Monday, December 03, 2007

A change is gonna come or how unbroken sunshine, great people and novel experiences can turn a man's head. I started my tour of SE Asia writing this to a friend:-

"I think ... the long distance travelling bug to places where there is an elevated risk of malaria is waning; I'm a middle aged wannabe man of letters who wants fresh coffee in his milk and guaranteed provenance where his food came from (good homes, organically reared, fed on clotted cream, then humanely dispatched), not the choice of fresh or smoked squirrel, or a dozen bear paws marinating in a gallon tank of homemade rice wine I saw in Laos a couple of weeks ago. You know I'll defend to the death the rights of local artisans and their local delicacies, there are some points, however, that I feel I have reached.

Three weeks later I sent this to another friend:-

"It is stupendous. SE Asia is dreamlike. The quality of light and the intensity of the colours - yellows sharper than any yellow I've ever seen, greens deeper than any green, silky blackness, blues to make your eyes water - is simply blowing my mind. I'm stunned by it all".

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Anonymous said...

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