Sunday, April 19, 2009

Except for a solitary glass of water, I did n't eat or drink a thing that was even remotely healthy yesterday, and I'm someone who prides himself on eating well.

My diet was so bad, it would have been classed as English - before the rise of the super chefs and good food magazines that is.

I shovelled in a smorgasbord of chips, cheese, chocolate, and a tray of profertjes - tiny fried doughnuts slathered with Nutella and then dusted with chocolate powder. All of it scarfed under a broiling sun at a Dutch festival in Traflagar Square. I felt like a pig rooting in the swill bin.

In true yo-yo style I've over compensated today: gallons of green tea (even more than the gallons I normally put away), fresh fruit, dried fruit, yoghurts, the deepest green vegetables, pin-sharp baby tomatoes, lean chicken, spindly, but zesty, life enhancing salad produce.

Got to get my equilibrium back. Got to.

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