Saturday, July 04, 2009

Something for the weekend, sir? Yes, sleep. Lots of it, pots of it. Enough for two make that family size, instead. Max it up. Supersize it. I'm falling on my feet; the heat is slowly mummifying me.

I'm swaddled at night. My flat is power source; it holds the daytime heat just as a battery might, then pumps it out during the night. Open windows make no dent in it either. The fresh air simply is n't there. I must be on at least one of the rungs towards eventual zombiedom.

Nothing exists entirely as an island bereft of entanglement with anything else. I'm not making my situation any easier either, with a raft of late nights - very late nights / early mornings in a couple of cases -that I've been on since mid-June.

Got to cap that behaviour. Bed before eleven at least once a week. And, if the weather plays ball, and listens to a litany of private pleas I've left it, then, it'll be a healthy eight hours of clean, clear, cool sleep. Bring it on.

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