Saturday, July 10, 2010

Revisit. I stumble over this word nearly every day. Revisit the data, that piece of work, the report, the conclusion, and so on. Strange, but then not unusual for a humble, non-exotic, verb to find itself press-ganged into serving the world of business jargon. But, it's there, it's happened, so live with it.

And in my case, use it. Perhaps I should revisit Dickens, get a couple of his novels, and become acquainted with a world that never grabbed me by the lapels on those odd occasions when I did read him in the past.

The notion of revisiting Dickens came to life as I wandered the rooms and floors of the Doughty Street Dickens Museum, one of a number of houses that Dickens lived in.

How did he do it, day after day, a lava flow of words and plots in a house where the staircase must have drummed with children running hither and thither, with noise seeping through walls, and those claustrophobic rooms that make up the house. Surely none of it conducive to imagination. So again how?

Moreover, did the flow ever abate in those summer days when the heat is as sense dulling and torpid as it is right now.

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