Wednesday, May 22, 2013

A world without religion. It'd be worth it. We'd all be better off. End the mania, stop the hysteria, it's an infection. It's driving people mad. A near decapitation in broad day light in Woolwich in front of scores of people committed by two young men crazed with absurd, repugnant, plain wrong beliefs. Possesed. And to have the temerity to apologise on camera that people had to see it!

Is a day like today unthinkable? No it's not. We exist under this hovering terror every day. The cause is religion. These people are obessesive, fanatical, without even a scintilla of empathy; wedded instead to some extraordinary solipsism that what they do is right. Impossible. An insufferable vile arrogance.

I still can't believe that this happened. A world without religion: free from the terrible expression of someone's perverted world view. It is the interpretation of these damn ideologies that mean a life of horror, constraint, misery, fear, intolerance and straight terror for all of us. What else could it be when Islam and Christianity are predicated on blood sacrifice. This is tyrannical, culturally, mentally, emotionally  oppressive. Centuries of this and what have we gained? Merciless, senseless killing on London streets.

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