Saturday, September 20, 2008

I wondered when it would happen: those bunches of keys I noticed on the top of the bus shelter outside St Charles House Tax Office have gone.

I don't doubt they're residing quietly on a shelf in the council lost property office before they go gently into that rusting goodnight all of us end up going to sooner or later.

That's the prosaic way of looking at it; keys swept off the top of the shelter by a long-handled council broom, some puzzlement as to why three bunches, then on to the next job, before heading back to the depot and logging them as lost property. That's the prosaic way of looking at it. Tame, and probably true.

If, of course, that's how it actually went.

What if, and we're allowed imagination, these orphaned keys were part of something else: for instance, a plot device in a piece of page-turning anxiety by Stephen King - 'possessed keys' - opening on to something dark and disturbing; then again, what if they had an Alice in Wonderland like role, unlocking a portal to a fantasy world of articulate top-hatted animals; or maybe they're the hinge in a wise cracking piece of Elmore Leonard criminalia, somewhere in the small fry demimonde, there's an incredulous conversation going on: "...what the fuck, Leo, ya did what....ya put the keys where...? Jesus H. You gotta get 'em down !"

I'm wildly speculating here...but how did those three bunches of keys get there and what do they mean? Answers anyone?


Anonymous said...

I think that a boyfriend told his girlfriend that he could no longer see her because he was in love with his salsa teacher and she grabbed hold of his keys and threw them out of the bus window just a that point where the bus shelter is. but I do prefer your idea of Alice in wonderland scenario, but of course what really happened is.............lads out drunk on a Saturday night (maybe even a stag night) and they thought it would be funny to throw the 'grooms' keys on top of the bus shelter. But just so you know I have been wondering about those keys since you mentioned them. Keep up the good work and well done in getting rid of those flies.

Archimedes Principle said...

Do you know, I think you've probably nailed it! Stag night antics: off comes the groom's trousers; on goes the ball and chain (or handcuffs - I've seen stag nights. Weird rite of passage with it's own behaviours); up go the house keys on top of the shelter, promptly followed by the keys to the ball and chain. Exit red-faced man, shivering, and lugging a ball and a chain along Kensington High St.

Best wishes


Anonymous said...

ha ha yes you have seen it all before!!!