Monday, October 19, 2009

I don't know whether I've slipped into the pages of something gothic by Edgar Allen Poe, or dropped between the words of a Paul Auster novel, where he's celebrating the strangeness of coincidence, but I've had an uncanny couple of days.

Yesterday, I flicked over to watch the BBC news and saw myself in the backdrop of a piece to camera. Unexpected - although I do remember seeing a TV camera perched on the side of the road - so not that unexpected in hindsight, but also unsettling. Do I really look like that ? All that yoga, healthy food, walking everywhere, striding up thirteen floors to the office, to still end up looking lost and nerdy ?

Then today, I find myself leading the charge to keep the Security Guard where I work and the person I'm charging against has exactly the same name as me, and even more bizarrely, we even look like each other, according to those who've met hm. Weird.

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