Sunday, December 20, 2009

I was among the eight million or so people who stayed at home or delayed their journey into work to listen to the last ever Terry Wogan show on Friday.

"This is it then..." he said, in the moments before he played his last ever song "... the day I've been dreading".

The end of so many things: that odd, strange loyalty that certain people engender, and Terry Wogan is the exemplar here, with a devoted listenership, (including me); of a real friendship, almost physical in it's intensity, even if it was mediated through the democracy of the airwaves; and the end of listening to some one clearly in love with words. Did n't he say on Friday that his show was one of "...badinage and persiflage"?

It was the end of something particularly personal for me. His career spanned my parent's radio life and through mine. They are no longer here. Both dead. In this sense he was the continuum, the overlap. That went on Friday, and that's another reason, I'll miss him.

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