Thursday, December 10, 2009

Someone sent me a link to site that specialises in publishing 90 word stories. No more, no less, just 90 words on the button. That's it.

I like the idea: you pluck something out of the air, trap it between your hands, and ultimately mould into a recognisable shape, using the tiniest amount of material. Concision, precision, and a swift conclusion.

The person who forwarded the link on is a gifted writer, a published writer in fact, and one who is more than capable of turning his hand to any one of the numerous literary forms there are. So rustling up a light lunch of no more than 90 words was pretty straightforward for him. In this respect I'm still stuck at the beans on toast stage, whereas he's a Jamie Oliver, whatever is to hand in the fridge, slice it, dice it, whizz it around, and hey presto, filling fare.

His 90 word story is a good one; to be frank, knowing him as I do, I'd be disappointed if it was n't.

Quite unexpectedly, though, I did get a chuckle out of it, (and by the way, here are those 90 words). I saw, elsewhere, a thread of conversation develop around the electric blanket that's mentioned in the story, which could only be American.

Was anyone sued ?

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