Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Becoming the POTUS requires innate capabilities that are really only seen in a comic book superhero, and this which I've always known, but was re-emphasised in a Radio programme last night, an inextinguishable Midas touch. Money has to flow ceaselessly, or the campaign withers.

As with every thing, that's not the full list, there's a trinity of requirements needed; the two above, and ingredient X.

Pinning down exactly what it is might as well be like herding cats. Nigh impossible. You have it or you don't is about as a good as an explanation I can give.

Barack Obama has it, and if was an American I'd vote for him in a heartbeat; the full package, gravitas, intelligence, grace under pressure, splendid oratorical ability.

Maybe that's it just there, partly pinned down the fugitive ingredient X. Perhaps.

But I can't see anyone else amongst the gaggle of people flexing in the wings hoping for their turn in the Presidential lime light, who have anything near ingredient X. Bachman and Palin have charisma, Romney for his part has experience, but they're all sans ingredient X.

As far as I'm concerned the 2012 election has Barack Obama's name all over it. Finest candidate by far.

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