Sunday, August 21, 2011

As I said a few days ago, it was inevitable the pendulum was going to be swinging crazily these past two weeks; the riots sent it violently one way and the compensatory swing went straight the other way towards punishment and judicial retribution.

If today is in anyway a portent, then I think we're nearing a sense of equilibrium. I'm working from a limited dataset, but I'm really going by sense, or what I saw wandering around Kensington Palace Gardens.

Our rainbow mini-nation cum city state was en fete. It was beautiful. London's passegiata time, talking, smiling, singing, strumming guitars, or as I saw in one part of the park, dancing the salsa en masse in a band-stand. That looked especially glorious. Six years of yoga has made me appreciate the lissomness and elegance the human body is capable. Salsa takes that to another level.

Let's trust that our wounded city is on the point of putting the painkillers back in the cupboard. I reckon we're there, or as damn near abouts.

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