Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I saw these two a few days ago in Rome.If it is an illusion then it's one of the best I've ever come across.

Personally, I'm suspending all rationality and assuming it's something entirely other -not inexplicable - simply a testament instead to the power of mind over matter. And this was some effort, barely a movement from either during the twenty minutes or so I was watching, they'd clearly been in the same stance before I arrived and were still when I turned to leave.

They were n't the only pair I spotted in Rome, I ran across another on the Via Del Corso on my way back t my hotel. Perhaps, just perhaps, there is a little something going on. But for me, belief remains suspended; both are exhibiting a strength, endurance and spirit that I can only marvel at. Somethings are better left.

Interestingly, the hyper concentrating duo in this photo had approached their site with acumen and foresight, they were on the bridge just before the Castel San Angelo, which guards one of the main thoroughfares to that seat of spiritual power - the Vatican.

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