Friday, June 22, 2007

Whoever this shoe fits I will marry. By the way, I don't think of this all the time, just this thought popped up in my mind some days ago watching a woman struggle to free one of her shoe heels that had slipped into the meshed grating of a street drain. In there tighter than if it had been caught in a vice. So much that I wondered whether the man on his knees trying to help her might have to lift the whole thing out, or break the heel off even. Whether it was just down to sheer persistence, or a canny twist here and there, he somehow managed to extricate both shoe and heel (and still together). Not the deftest manoeuvre I've ever seen, but for a crowded, hectic street in the City of London, pretty good. Don't think I could have done it. Probably a feeble wrestle with it, then the equally as feeble "think you're looking at getting a new pair. Have you got any trainers with you?"

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