Sunday, February 03, 2008

I've always felt that the moment anyone has children they move instantly from ego - where everything they do, every action, every thought, every consideration is focused on realisation of their own whims and wishes - to responsibility. I've seen this transformation in all my friends who have children. They walk differently, talk differently, think differently.

Concern for another steps up, grabs hold of them tightly, and seeps through their veins into their very bone marrow. Good parents never go off duty.Doze maybe, but they'll never fully fall asleep at the wheel. There's too much to think about.

This is the time for conscientiousness and clear thought; decisions have to be made and risks assessed, and naturally consequences and outcomes as much as can be, thought about over and over for someone who is n't you. It must be an emotional skin shedding quicker than the blink of an eye.

Not having kids has left me ample time to ponder what this state must be like, or put slightly different, I've had the luxury of window shopping, hands in pockets watching it happen, and free to walk by on by, free of worry or guilt or anxiety whenever I want. This level of engagement has always been something other people have had to reach. Never me.

Until now.

I was asked late last week if I would accept the role as a Power of Attorney for an elderly relative. This is the first time in my life where I will be making - potentially - decisions that will, and there's no doubt about this, influence another's life. It feels awesome. Always, every decision has been about me, made by me, and for me. From a self reflecting sensibility - me considering me basically - it's now about the welfare and wishes of another.

Today I am a different man. The same size, the same shape, no change there; it's my consciousness that is being reworked. I'm growing up.

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