Friday, August 29, 2008

If only he was British....if only...Hey, he's got Kenyan parentage, you never know. Oh I just wish he was.

I've watched Barack Obama's Denver acceptance speech in it's entirety: what a call to arms, so damn stirring. A bolt of energy. I'm invigorated and I'm a continent away. More crucially, I lack the citizenship to vote; if I could, however, then it would be for Barack. He's absolutely on the money. A speech as memorable as anything by Churchill or Kennedy or Lincoln, delivered with no ersatz folksiness, sans syrup, optimistic and realistic. Barack has tapped into Cicero's genes. The whole thing throbbed with humanity.

What a joy to hear a speech that was inclusive; that gathered people in; that celebrated and respected individuality, and that did n't erect some vile cordon sanitaire or mark some boundary beyond which those who lived there must be forever the object of scorn and vilification. An inclusive political speech. I'd vote for him just on that basis. Surely Barack's got a little bit of Brit in him somewhere ?

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