Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Knight's move thinking. It's psychiatric meaning is quite strict from what I've gathered from searching on line, and as so, it's literal meaning does stand at odds to how I see it, but when a new phrase hoves into sight, grab it is what I say, and I have.

What it encapsulates are those abrupt ruptures in a smoothly running conversation, those completely unexpected notions or ideas that appear without any warning, often illogical as compared that is to the direction the conversation or dialogue was taking previously. A completely fresh, novel association. And often the breakthrough moment is just a few seconds away.

The image is obvious if you have even the most casual brush with chess; the Knight and it's peculiar leapfrogging, oblique gait.

I can't think of a better, more exhilarating tool in the thinker's tool-kit than this: permission to jump around, think past and beyond a roadblock, and free-associate to your heart's content.

Anything that can unlock creativity, especially if it's something as simple an image as this, but one jam-packed with possibility and indulgence, has to be celebrated.

I like things that don't make me feel as if I'm trapped in a corner, that I have options even in the tightest situations, which is why I'm so taken with this concept.

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