Tuesday, November 30, 2010

In less than a week, I've experienced profound weather extremes. Put a glass under the hot tap and then straight after under the cold, it's odds on, it'll crack. Maybe this is why I'm feeling so physically shattered. Anyway back to the original topic.

Every day in Malaysia was scorching, but what could you expect from a country that's slap bang up against the Equator, and where most afternoons, there's a thunderous rainstorm on a monumental, majestic scale. Clouds detonating, blazing fangs of lightening ripping the skies open wide, heavy, warm rain, fat drops of it smashing against buildings and drumming on the road surface.

Whereas now, I'm at the other end of the thermometer; temperature is barely scratching zero with any regularity, and it ain't rain, it's the thin squishy gruel of sleet and rain that masquerades as snow in London.

Gimme back that warm, perfumed rain, and those close but not quite apocalyptic tropical weather patterns any time.

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