Thursday, November 04, 2010

Personality tests are pure catnip for me. Even the scent of one has me panting.

And when it's one that might just affirm something I've tantalised myself thinking I could actually have, then everything gets dropped, all extraneous events filtered out and I plunge right in.

Picture my excitement then as I idly scrolled through the firm's intranet this lunchtime and saw a link to an "How creative are you" pop quiz.

Really no truly creative person bothers doing these. I know I've met them and some are friends.

Either they're driving away at something, pushing boundaries back, borne along by the flow; or they're adrift in quiet melancholy - "my mind has one idea, my hands another" as a very gifted painter friend of mine put it to me last week.

Nevertheless wannabes, the ambitious but sans the spark people, well, we crowd round these tests like flies around roadkill. Can't get enough of them.

So I pushed back my sleeves, settled back and let the pop test do the talking. I'm 84% creative. Now to turn that stat into action.

Feel the force.

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