Thursday, January 13, 2011

Two days ago, I mourned; today I praise. This is one of the best interviews I've ever read on what it is to be a writer. The joys, the perils, the excitement, the struggles, they're are all here.

Then after you've read the interview, explore the blog itself, it's perfect. An utter love affair with writing and words that I know will never end because I've carried the same fever for over thirty years.

I'm a friend of the author who's the subject of the interview. I personally attest to his commitment and discipline; he walks it, he talks it, and of course, he writes it

The Writing Nut interview.

1 comment:

nutschell said...

Thanks so much for leaving a comment on my blog, and for your kind words about my interview with Allison Burnett. It was an honor and a pleasure to work with someone of his caliber. I hope to interview him again in the future. :)
I love your blog as well and have already subscribed.
warm regards,