Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Archimedes, hello there. Not seen you for a while. Take a seat. You know why you're here? Good. Like I say, nothing to worry about, just going to go through a few questions, see how you are.Ok, let's get cracking:

Stated the obvious?

All the time.

Written about the mundane and tried to make it sound half-way interesting ?


Complained about a retailer?


Written about work, but not revealed enough to make it obvious who you actually work for, so you can get away with whining and bitching more or less anonymously?

Absolutely... can't help myself sometimes

Yearned for someone...long held regret...that sort of thing?


Used rhetorical questions?

Please, when have n't I...

And your trite statements, how have they been?...tried to pass any off as deeply held profoundities that might enlighten mankind?

Pretty often..but trying to cut down.

Been testy and peevish...?

Middle-aged man....what do you expect.

Well, Archimedes, pretty much as I expected. You're still showing the true hardcore Blogger's vital signs. I'm more than happy to certify you as an archetypal Blogger. Great example of the breed. The only thing I will say is try from time to time to come up with an original idea. See if you can surprise yourself.

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